Wednesday 23 August 2017

One year later

Hey guys!

How've you been? 

One year and a few months later and here I am again... 
It's not like I forgot about this little "place" but it's just that I didn't get like reactions from the readers so I started to think "Do I even have readers? Do people even read the boring stories about my life? Probably not" and that's kind of why I stopped posting. And now I'm back, why? I don't know, I just felt like doing a big ass update of my life for you (Probably as a farewell... but still deciding) so grab some popcorns and snacks!

But first....

If you don't know me yet... Hey! My name is Margarida, people call me Mags, and I'm FINALLY a 18 years old girl from Portugal.

I used to be a really depressed teenager, with a lot of fears, and panic/anxiety attacks, and I still have to deal with them sometimes but I got better and now I feel a lot better with myself and my life!

That's me

So, my last post was in April 2nd of 2016 and today is August 23rd  of 2017 and let me tell you, a lot have changed!

I'm mostly going to talk about the big events in my life since then because obviously I dont remember every little detail. 

Let's start with my 1 month internship in Seville, the most amazing experience in my life! I worked in a little theater in the Seville's most known market called "Mercado d'Triana" and my team was fucking amazing! Miss them so much...
I stayed with a family, together with other girl from Barcelos (North of Portugal) and she was honestly one of the best things that has ever happened to me, she was like my soulmate, we instantly became friends, we shared everything, we did everything together, I'm so thankful for meeting her and I love her. 
I really want to go back, I'm not sure about living there for the rest of my life but I totally wouldnt mind to stay there for a few months.

Me and my baby girl from Barcelos

final project for school. If you don't know, I was a tourism student which means I didnt study in a regular school, my school was a professional school and because of that we didn't have the normal "finals" we had a final project that we had to develop from scratch and make a presentation for a panel of judges (?) and I stressed so fucking much about it. Literally I would cry day and night because I had no idea of what to do and the day before of the deadline for the first part I only slept 2 hours because I was up until 5:00 a.m.and I had to be in school at 8 a.m and the same happened the day before the final presentation. BUT everything went well, I felt really happy and confident about my presentation. And briefly my project was about a dance tour in Portugal called "Step by Step"

Me and my model for the final presentaion

After that it was the end... the end of three 3 years with my classmates, my amazing teachers... it was now time to make a decision about my life. At the first I didnt want to go to college but I found a really cool major related to translation and chinese and thought about going for a dance major so I decided to take the finals in my old school. I had a few fights with my parents and but oh well, the usual. And by tomorrow I'll make the apllication and after the results come out I need to decide if I want to go to college or if I want to take a gap year.

And now... I'M BACK AS AN ADULT I'm finally 18 yo! My family decided to throw me a surprise party with old friends and new friends and it was honestly one of the best moments I've ever had in my life and I'll defintely forget about it. AND guess my sister's present was?!!!!!! MY VERY FIRST TATTOO.

After 8 years of drawing it on my wrist whishing it would become real, it finally happened! 

And like this I end the updates of my life. still pretty boring hun?

Sorry not sorry for the long post.

If you want to keep up with my (boring) life follow me on my social media:

Instagram - @margarida_pvmr

Twitter - @oficialsloth

Snapchat - @margaridapvmr

Byeeee Xx

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